PSID restricted data may be accessed through a Virtual Data Enclave (VDE) which provides a secure
computing environment for accessing restricted data files via secure remote access. A variety of
software applications
are available for use in the enclave. The available restricted data products are listed below.
Additionally, users can obtain access to restricted data at multiple levels of geography in the
Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging (MiCDA) Geographic Linkages Repository (GLR).
The PSID has promised anonymity to its respondents and protection of their data to the fullest
extent available by federal and state law. The PSID takes this promise very seriously, and it
is the basis for the contract process. Please submit application materials electronically to:
The materials and process needed to apply for PSID restricted data are described below.
A contract must be established between the user’s institution and the University of Michigan.
Separate contracts must be established for each discrete research project.
In order to obtain this contract and gain access to the SRC Virtual Data Enclave, the user must submit the following materials.
- Curriculum vitae
- Research plan
- Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval
- Data request form
- MiCDA GLR order form (optional)
- SRC acceptable use policy (AUP)
- VDI-Data security plan
Institute for Social Research Confidentiality pledge
- After approval, a $750 non-refundable administration fee will be collected.
Review of the application is typically completed within two weeks once all materials are received.
PSID will assign a restricted data agreement (RDA) number, which you will use in all future correspondence.
Once approval is granted, PSID sends the contract to the applicant for institutional signature.
For the vast majority of contracts, signatures are obtained within several weeks. The time to
complete the contract may be longer if the requesting institution representatives wish to negotiate
contract language with the University of Michigan. We have been successful negotiating contracts in
virtually all situations.
Curriculum Vitae
Review the memo
Personnel Requirements for Obtaining PSID Restricted Data
to ensure that you and your staff meet the requirements for obtaining the data. Submit a copy
of your academic resume or curriculum vitae as well as those of all participating research staff.
Research Plan
Applicants for PSID restricted data must provide a short (1-3 page) research proposal that
includes a synopsis (or a full statement, if necessary) of the goals of the research
and specifies:
- the types of variables from the PSID restricted data you intend to use in your research;
- what other data, if any, you plan to merge with the PSID restricted data.
why you believe the unrestricted versions of those variables, if any, are not adequate
for your research purposes. For example, “State of residence” for the respondent is available
on the PSID public-use file, and may meet the needs of some research projects as well as finer
levels of geography that are restricted.
- the names and roles of all individuals involved in the research project and whether they will be accessing the enclave
Individuals who are applying for Census Block and Census Block-Group data must describe the exact
links they plan to make to Census data. This information is described here:
Special Information for Requests for Census Block and Block-Group Data.
Human Subjects Review
You must provide evidence of review by your institution’s Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Review Committee/Privacy Board.
No exempt or abbreviated review, or lower standards (such as sometimes used for "secondary
data analysis") will be accepted. Please submit your IRB approval with your application materials.
Data Request Form
The Data Request Form
should be submitted with the application materials. Researchers must substantiate in their
Research Plan their use of all Restricted Data File(s) being requested.
MiCDA GLR order form (optional)
PSID has partnered with MiCDA to make contextual files and related documentation available to approved researchers upon request.
The MiCDA Geographic Linkages Repository (GLR)
will facilitate linkages at multiple levels of geography (e.g. state, county, tract, zip code) so that researchers can more fully investigate
the impact of the environments in which people live and work on later life health, well-being and related disparities. To apply for to access
to the contextual data, submit the MiCDA GLR order form
as part of your restricted data application. By requesting to use data deposited with GLR, you agree to cite any GLR data sources used
in your publications and presentations.
Contract for Use of Restricted Data
Upon approval of the application materials by Restricted Data Committee, an
of the Contract(s) for Use of PSID Restricted Data will be sent for institutional signature. The Investigator(s),
Co-Investigator(s), Research Assistants, and the Representative of the Receiving Institution must sign the contract.
The Representative is someone authorized to enter into contractual agreements on behalf of the Receiving Institution.
The Representative then sends the electronically signed contract back to the PSID at the University of Michigan where
representatives for PSID and the University of Michigan sign the contract. After University of Michigan
representatives electronically sign the contracts, a fully executed electronic agreement will be sent to the
investigator or appropriate parties upon request.
Once the contract is established, investigators may request access to additional PSID restricted data if the data will
be used to achieve the original goals of the existing research project. To do this, please update and resubmit the
research plan and data request form.
Additional co-investigators and/or research assistants may also be added to an existing research project. To do this,
the IRB must be updated, and each new team member must provide a CV and complete the SRC AUP form, the VDI-Data
security plan, and the Institute for Social Research Confidentiality pledge.
Please note that separate contracts must be established for each discrete research project. Investigators with
multiple contracts will be provided with contract-specific access, and may not share data across separate research
Note: In the event that the Investigator changes institutions, the current contract is no
longer valid and a new contract must be completed that includes a revised VDI-data security plan
reflecting the new work environment and Human Subjects Review by the investigator’s new institution.
Fee Requirements
A non-refundable administrative fee in the amount of $750 must be submitted with the signed contracts.
The fee covers the expense of creating the data files and documentation, up to four hours of
consultation with the PSID user services staff, and the costs of administering the contract.