The 1968-2021 Mortality File is a restricted file containing information about the deaths of individuals in the
PSID who are known to have died from the beginning of the study through the 2021 wave of data collection.
Records on this file include individual identifiers (linkable to the 1968-2021 Individual File), the year in which
the death was discovered, date of death, age at death, the state or country in which the individual was born and
died, and an accuracy indicator for date of death. For deaths that occurred between 1979 and 2021 additional
variables describe matches to the National Center for Health Statistics’ (NCHS) National Death Index (NDI) and
provide cause of death for cases deemed to be a good match.
The 1968-2021 Mortality File contains a total of 104 variables, which fall into one of five groups. 1) identifiers
and death information from PSID; 2) information sent to NDI as part of the matching process; 3) information received
back from NDI as part of the matching process; 4) variables created as part of the in-house determination of
confirmed final match; and 5) coded cause of death information received from NDI for confirmed final matches.
Note that variables may have been renamed from previous versions of the release files; see the latest
for detailed information for each variable.