In each main interview since 2005, the PSID asked respondents who were either age 65 or older or receiving Medicare to provide their Medicare number and consent to link to their Medicare and Medicaid records. These data can be obtained through an enclave supported by the NIA Data LINKAGE Program (LINKAGE) which links PSID data to detailed information about health care utilization from records maintained by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The available CMS data products are listed below.

Note: The NIA Data LINKAGE Program was formerly known as the Medicare and Medicaid Resource Information Center (MedRIC).
Learn more about the CMS data files, here .

  • Medicare Enrollment Data
    • Denominator (DN)
    • Master Beneficiary Summary File (MBSF) Base
    • Medicare Summary Files
    • Master Beneficiary Summary File (MBSF): Chronic Conditions
    • Master Beneficiary Summary File (MBSF): Cost & Utilization
    • Master Beneficiary Summary File (MBSF): Other Chronic or Potentially Disabling Conditions
  • Medicare Part A & B Claims Data
    • Medicare Carrier (PB) Claims
    • Medicare Durable Medical Equipment (DM) Claims
    • Medicare Home Health (HH) Claims
    • Medicare Hospice (HS) Claims
    • Medicare Inpatient (IP) Claims
    • Medicare Outpatient (OP) Claims
    • Medicare Skilled Nursing Facility (SN) Claims
    • MedRIC-Built Medicare Provider Analysis & Review (MedPAR)
  • Medicare Part C Claims Data
    • Medicare Carrier Encounter Claims
    • Medicare Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Encounter
    • Medicare Home Health Agency (HH) Encounter Claims
    • Medicare Inpatient (IP) Encounter Claims
    • Medicare Outpatient (OP) Encounter Claims
    • Medicare Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Encounter Claims
  • Medicaid Data
    • Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Personal Summary (PS) Enrollment Data
    • Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Inpatient (IP) Claims
    • Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Long Term Care (LT) Claims
    • Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Other Services (OT) Claims
    • Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Prescription Drug (RX) Data
    • TMSIS Analytic Files (TAF) Demographic and Eligibility (DE) Enrollment Data
    • TMSIS Analytic Files (TAF) Inpatient (IP) Claims
    • TMSIS Analytic Files (TAF) Long Term Care (LT) Claims
    • TMSIS Analytic Files (TAF) Other Services (OT) Claims
    • TMSIS Analytic Files (TAF) Pharmacy (RX) Data
  • Other Data
    • Medicare Part D Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
    • Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS)
    • Inpatient Rehab Facility-Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-PAI)
    • Long Term Care Minimum Data Set (MDS)
    • Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Event (PDE)
    • Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS)

The PSID has promised anonymity to its respondents and protection of their data to the fullest extent available by federal and state law. The PSID takes this promise very seriously, and it is the basis for the contract process. Please submit application materials electronically to: The materials and process needed to apply for PSID-CMS restricted data are described below.

Unlike other PSID restricted data, the PSID linked CMS data are created and supplied by others. While PSID approval is your first step in applying for the PSID linked CMS data, additional steps are processed and managed by LINKAGE, which operates the secure enclave in which the linked PSID-CMS data will be accessed. You will be notified by PSID upon approval that your application is being handed off to LINKAGE for further processing.

To apply for PSID-CMS restricted data, the user must submit the following materials (see below for description):
  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. Research plan
  3. Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval
  4. Advisor letter of support (if applicable)
  5. PSID-CMS Linked Data request form
  6. Data security plan
  7. CMS Restricted Data Access Agreement

Review of the application is typically completed within two weeks once all materials are received. PSID will assign a restricted data agreement (RDA) number, which you will use in all future correspondence. Once approval is granted, PSID sends the contract to the applicant for institutional signature. For the vast majority of contracts, signatures are obtained within several weeks. The time to complete the contract may be longer if the requesting institution representatives wish to negotiate contract language with the University of Michigan. We have been successful negotiating contracts in virtually all situations.

Curriculum Vitae
Review the memo Personnel Requirements for Obtaining PSID Restricted Data to ensure that you and your staff meet the requirements for obtaining the data. Submit a copy of your academic resume or curriculum vitae as well as those of all participating research staff.

Research Plan
Applicants must provide a research plan that includes the project title, research abstract, and a short description of each of the following:
  • The PSID Restricted data products and variables you intend to use in your research, including planned data analyses
  • Why the public data are not adequate for your research purposes
  • If required for your research, a brief description of any external (non-PSID) data to be imported to the LINKAGE enclave, including the name and source of each dataset
  • The names, roles, and institutional email addresses of all individuals involved in the research project and whether they require access to the data
  Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval
Applicants must provide documentation of full board or expedited IRB review and approval of your research plan, in .pdf format. If the study team includes members who do not have a formal affiliation with the receiving institution, IRB documentation from every additional represented institution is also required.

Advisor Letter of Support (if PI is a student)
If the Principal Investigator is a student, the following are required:
  • a letter of support from an advisor
  • a faculty advisor must be included as a project team member with data access

PSID-CMS Linked Data Request Form
The CMS Data Request Form should be submitted with the application materials. Researchers must substantiate in their Research Plan their use of all Restricted Data File(s) being requested. Applicants must provide information on the requested CMS-PSID data products.

Data Security Plan
Applicants must submit a completed PSID-CMS Data Security Plan. Researchers may only access the LINKAGE enclave from the United States.

CMS Restricted Data Access Agreement
Once you have preliminary approval from PSID, work with your institutional Contracting Authority to complete the PSID Restricted Data Access Agreement: LINKAGE Data Access. Note that this agreement requires a signature from an authorized representative of your institution.

Email the signed Restricted Data Access Use Agreement to

PSID will review the completed application and notify you by email once it is approved. LINKAGE and the NIA Review Board will be CC'd on this approval email, to signal handoff to them to initiate their approval process. All remaining application and approval steps to access the LINKAGE enclave belong to NIA and Acumen. See the LINKAGE website for more information.

You will be contacted by LINKAGE staff with the details you need to log in to the LINKAGE Enclave. LINKAGE will build, and assign data permissions, for the CMS data files for you and your research team. LINKAGE will notify PSID of LINKAGE approval, at which time PSID will assign data permissions to the PSID cross-reference file and any other approved PSID data files.