Example-2: Merging Balanced Generation Map with Analysis Data.

Definition: A generation map with non-missing data from any generation is calleda balanced generation map.

Table-0d below is an example. The following example shows how to construct an analysis file by merging data from a balanced inter-generation map and an individual attribute data file. A third generation balanced map is used to merge individual data from different generations.

In the tables below, except table-1, individual data are presented in red, parents data are presented in green, and grandparents data are presented blue.

Table-0v:- Generation ID Custom Map Data File: Variable Meta
           Map Type: Individual to Grandparent

     Name     Label                                       Type  Width
     ID68     "1968 INTERVIEW # OF INDIVIDUAL          "  num    4.0
     PN       "PERSON # OF INDIVIDUAL                  "  num    3.0
     GID      "GENERATION # OF INDIVIDUAL              "  num    1.0
     ID68P    "1968 INTERVIEW # OF PARENT              "  num    4.0
     PNP      "PERSON # OF PARENT                      "  num    3.0
     PTYPE    "PARENT TYPE                             "  char   2
     ID68GP   "1968 INTERVIEW # OF GRAND-PARENT        "  num    4.0
     PNGP     "PERSON # OF GRAND-PARENT                "  num    3.0
     GPTYPE   "GRAND-PARENT TYPE                       "  char   2


                    M = MOTHER
                   AM = ADOPTIVE-MOTHER
                    F = FATHER
                   AF = ADOPTIVE-FATHER

Table-0d:- Generation ID Custom Map Data File: Values

    #    ID68   PN  GID    ID68P   PNP  PTYPE    ID68GP   PNGP  GPTYPE
    1    2069  031    3     2069   003  M          2069    001  F
    2    2069  031    4     2069   003  M          2069    002  M
    3    2069  003    3     2069   002  M          2069    176  M
    4    2069  030    3     2069   002  M          2069    176  M

Table-1v: Analysis Data File: Variable Meta

     Name    Label                                         W.D
     ID68    "1968 Family Number of Individual        "    4.0
     PN      "Person Number of Number                 "    3.0
     CVI     "Civility Index @ Age=25                 "    4.2

Table-1d:- Analysis Data File: Values

    #    ID68    PN     CVI
    1    2069   001    0.18
    2    2069   002    0.97
    3    2069   003    0.40
    4    2069   004    0.26
    5    2069   005    0.92
    6    2069   030    0.97
    7    2069   031    0.54
    8    2069   170    0.53
    9    2069   171    0.05
   10    2069   172    0.07
   11    2069   173    0.82
   12    2069   174    0.52
   13    2069   175    0.85
   14    2069   176    0.07
   15    2069   177    0.96
   16    2069   178    0.30
   17    2069   179    0.27

Table-2v: Individual Data File: Variable Meta

     Name    Label                                         W.D
     ID68    "1968 Family ID of Individual        "        4.0
     PN      "Person Number                       "        3.0
     CVI     "Civility Index @ Age=25             "        4.2

Table-2d: Individual Data File: Values

    #    ID68    PN     CVI
    1    2069   003    0.40
    2    2069   030    0.97
    3    2069   031    0.54

Table-3v: Parents Data File: Variable Meta

     Name    Label                                     W.D
     ID68P   "1968 Family ID of Parents           "    4.0
     PNP     "Person Number                       "    3.0
     CVIP    "Civility Index @ Age=25: Parents    "    4.2

Table-3d: Parents Data File: Values

    #   ID68P   PNP    CVIP
    1    2069   002    0.97
    2    2069   003    0.18

Table-4v: Grandparents Data File: Variable Meta

     Name    Label                                     W.D
     ID68GP  "1968 Family ID of Grandparents       "    4.0
     PNGP    "Person Number                        "    3.0
     CVIGP   "Civility Index @ Age=25: Grandparents"    4.2

Table-4d: Grandparents Data File: Values

    #  ID68GP  PNGP   CVIGP
    1    2069   001    0.18
    2    2069   002    0.97
    3    2069   176    0.07

Table-5v:- Three Generations Analysis Data File: Variable Meta
     Name     Label                                         Type    Width
     ID68     "1968 INTERVIEW # OF INDIVIDUAL          "    num      4.0
     PN       "PERSON # OF INDIVIDUAL                  "    num      3.0
     GID      "GENERATION # OF INDIVIDUAL              "    num      1.0
     ID68P    "1968 INTERVIEW # OF PARENT              "    num      4.0
     PNP      "PERSON # OF PARENT                      "    num      3.0
     PTYPE    "PARENT TYPE                             "    char     2
     ID68GP   "1968 INTERVIEW # OF GRAND-PARENT        "    num      4.0
     PNGP     "PERSON # OF GRAND-PARENT                "    num      3.0
     GPTYPE   "GRAND-PARENT TYPE                       "    char     2
     CVI      "Civility Index @ Age=25: Individual     "    num      4.2
     CVIP     "Civility Index @ Age=25: Parents        "    num      4.2
     CVIGP    "Civility Index @ Age=25: Grandparents   "    num      4.2

Table-5d:- Three Generations Analysis Data File: Values

    #    ID68   PN  GID    ID68P   PNP  PTYPE    ID68GP   PNGP  GPTYPE    CVI    CVIP   CVIGP
    1    2069  031    3     2069   003  M          2069    001  F        0.54    0.40    0.18
    2    2069  031    4     2069   003  M          2069    002  M        0.54    0.40    0.97
    3    2069  003    3     2069   002  M          2069    176  M        0.40    0.97    0.07
    4    2069  030    3     2069   002  M          2069    176  M        0.97    0.97    0.07